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Sonic Foundry, Inc

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Survey Reveals College Students Watch Mediasite Every Second
Posted on Tuesday, June 17, 2014

LAS VEGAS, Nev. — June 17, 2014 —The number of students taking at least one online course surpassed 7.1 million last year and represents a third of the 21.3 million higher education students, according to Babson Research Group.* Meanwhile, colleges and universities are challenged with the best way to move the rising tide of academic video that supports online learning into secure environments.

It’s against this backdrop that Mediasite Enterprise Video Platform by Sonic Foundry (NASDAQ: SOFO) provides the solution to help campuses transform that video into searchable and secure video portals. Results of an international survey of higher education reveal that academic video creation and consumption with Mediasite is growing exponentially on college campuses.

The survey reveals that in 2013:

  •          Two million hours of academic video were created with Mediasite — the equivalent of 228 years of video
  •          A Mediasite video is watched every second, which is more than 30 million views each year
  •          Mediasite video views on campus outpace consumer video consumption by 59 percent
  •          Mediasite views are growing 89 percent year over year, and Mediasite content creation is growing 49 percent year over year

View more survey results at

Mediasite Enterprise Video Platform massively simplifies search and workflow and creates a secure, central home for all campus video, regardless of where it was created. Measuring the impact and value of lecture capture is critical to its ongoing success, and Mediasite’s powerful video analytics help analyze viewing patterns, ensuring important presentations are being watched. Universities rely on these analytics to make real-time decisions to increase student success.

 “From flipped classrooms and online courses to MOOCs and faculty development, video is transforming the way people learn, teach and communicate. It’s being created faster than ever before thanks to the proliferation of creation and capture tools, but it’s difficult to turn that big data into useful information,” said Sean Brown, senior vice president, Sonic Foundry. “This data suggests that colleges and universities are increasingly relying on Mediasite to solve that problem by turning video into smart data. We’ve developed a solution that goes beyond streaming and content management, focusing on making video searchable and secure.” 

Additional highlights from the survey include:

  •          AppStore downloads of the Mediasite Mobile app have surpassed 100,000
  •          Students are increasingly watching from mobile devices. Viewing on iPads, iPhones and Androids is up 44 percent, 44 percent and 55 percent respectively

Mediasite use is expected to grow even more with the adoption of student- and faculty-creation portals using My Mediasite. In fact, My Mediasite adoption has grown 522 percent since it was introduced last year.

“With academic video creation growing so rapidly, the results of this survey are affirmation that we are pioneering the right solutions for colleges and universities to share knowledge and help students succeed,” said Gary Weis, Sonic Foundry CEO. “Congratulations to our customers who have reached these incredible milestones. They work hard every day to capture and share relevant, timely content with their students, faculty and the world, and we’re proud Mediasite is at the heart of their video initiatives.”  
