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10300 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
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Williams AV

At Williams AV, we aim to empower connections by eliminating communication barriers. As a leader in the Pro AV industry for more than 45 years, we continuously redefine audio accessibility, promote cross-language communication, and foster seamless communication. Our mission is to provide organizations with the solutions and support they need to create inclusive environments.

Model: DLT 400-ACM

The Digi-Wave Advanced Comms Module (ACM) Transceiver is the ultimate fully portable, two-way communication intercom solution for many different settings such as broadcast, theater, and live events.
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Williams AV Celebrates Exceptional Sales Growth Award Winner for 2018
Posted on Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Williams AV Celebrates Exceptional Sales Growth Award Winner for 2018

Minneapolis, MN -- Williams AV, global manufacturer of wireless audio, video annotation, presentation and conferencing technologies, recognized its 2018 international sales award winners at ISE 2019 in Amsterdam.  

Winner of the 2018 Exceptional Sales Growth Award was Media Plus, exclusive distribution partner for Williams AV in Japan.

“Media Plus reported outstanding sales for their Williams AV lines in 2018,” announced Per Persson, Director of International Sales for Williams Sound. “We are lucky to be represented by this dedicated and talented distributor.  Media Plus has proven to be an extremely adaptable, responsive and knowledgeable team of professionals. They are viewed in the industry as innovative, as leaders in embracing new technologies. And they have brought Williams AV an array of new opportunities.”

Media Plus President Shuji Ozaki noted, “We have received nothing but remarkable feedback from the Japanese market regarding Williams AV’s high-quality, innovative products.  Demand for exceptional quality and versatility is especially high in the interpretation market here.  Williams AV meets that demand, and more, with its Digi-Wave digital communication technology.  We look forward to seeing the new innovations Williams AV has in store for 2019 and beyond.”
